Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Preliminary Look at Combat

Combat 'was' the tree for raiding. During BC there was no way of getting around it. This tree simply out Dps'ed the other trees by such a large margin that it became the epitome of "cookie cutter builds". The purpose of this tree is to build upon a players base damage (white damage) and thereby increasing the damage overall that the player could do. Then you would add haste and crit to this to generate a tremendous number of attacks and they would all be hitting at near the top of what the weapons could do. This really favored swords in PVE due to the higher max damage that swords could output over daggers. Although fists were nice too towards the end of BC.

From discussions with other rogues this tree was fun for a while, then it became boring as it was always the same. In due time many of the rogues that I have talked with now changed to Subtlety so that could play in the Arena's or BG's, or they would vary this Combat Tree for Maces and build a 'Stun Lock build'. Either way, combat is about damage, doing the most you can as fast as you can. There is not a lot of variation regarding this tree outside of the type of weapons you chose, but this is also a solid tree to utilize while leveling up.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Battles in the Barrens

Well, I'm mostly done with the Northern Barrens, except for a small handful of quests and then I will head off the Camp Taujaro. While all of this has been fun, it has also been a little frustrating. Seems the Alliance, or a handful of Ally kiddies have taken it upon themselves to keep us horde from developing any more high level toons. Everytime I log in I see; "Crossroads is Under Attack", or "Ratchet is Under Attack", or "Camp Taurajo is Under Attack". Blah...

Don't these kiddies have anything better to do with their time than run around showing how "tough" they are by picking on low level horde? :P

I will prevail though. I am beginning to expand my horizens by moving into new areas as well. And in time, I will be well prepared for these little kiddes and then I will cut their throats. :D


Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Preliminary Look at Assassination

So what makes this tree and build tick? Mutilate and Crit. As well as better poisons. If you like daggers, and you like poisons, then you will like this tree and it's abilities. The purpose of the Assassination tree is to build incredible burst damage and suppliment that with the affects of various poisons all the while generating more combo points than other trees. This allows for even better special hits and crits. Right now this tree is again in vogue again and is producing numbers that are very close to if not a little better than the numbers produces by Combat Swords during BC in boss fights.

One of the things I like about this tree, is that it really does focus on daggers and poisons. And being a rogue/assassin this is nice because it plays into that particular archtype. In a later post I will go into detail about the talents, builds and such from this tree as well as the best DPS rotation on special attacks.


New Friends!!!!!

So last night I'm tearing through Durotar and need to stop and head off to Ogrimmar to empty my bags and get ready for heading off to the Barrens. While in Orgrimmar Bludd makes a posting in trade chat about a new casual leveling guild. The guild's name is Malice and is small and new, but it is populated by some pretty active folks. After a short chat, I joined. Woot!!!!

So I know belong to Malice, when I logged on this morning I was in for another surprise. They made me an officer. How sweet is that!

Anyhow, I have blown through quite a few quests in the Barrens now and I am in the unenviable position of having to go to another lower level area to finish up a level or two so I can go back to my quests in the Barrens. Hmm... 3 levels in 3 hours, I think I may be going slower than I would like. :P


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Plan and Preparations

So, what does Yrg need to accomplish over the next week?

A. Get Lockpicking
B. Raise First Aid to Max
C. Hit 20th Level
D. Get better weapons and level swords.

I've chosen Herbalism and Enchanting for professions. Herbalism is for money and I hope that this proves to be profitable. Enchanting is for similiar reasons in that I can sell the mats, but I also want to be able to enchant my own gear as I go along for that little something extra.
Other goals; research info on rogue skills and abilities, find other rogue blogs, and study Shadowpanther's site. :D


Hammering Away in Durotar

So, instead of running around the hills of Tirisfal Glades, I hopped onto a Zepplin and headed off to Durotar. I have to say, slaughtering Zalzadane was a lot easier than I'd expected. Debuffed and all, I finished him quickly and without any problems and I was only level 8.

Well, now I'm level 10 and I've had to run back to Undercity to do my Rogue quests. I also trained in sword fighting when I got there as well and found some cheap yet decent gear. Once I'm done with the Rogue quest and have my Blade of Cunning, I'll be back in Durotar dodging Scorpids and slaughtering my enemies.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And I Was Born

So, somehow I ended up here. I cannot tell you how, but I can tell you feel awefully ready to see what this new un-life has for me. Read here to learn of my exploits and adventures and I'll do my best to learn what I need to so that everyone can benefit from my words, wise or not.
